Sponsors and partners
Thank you to all those who support and contribute to our business with public funds!
Statens kulturråd, Region Gävleborg, Region Stockholm, Region Västmanland and Västra Götalandsregionen, as well as Vänersborgs kommun, support NCM – YOMA and Polstjärnepriset.

Nordisk Kulturfond (The Nordic Culture Fund) supports Polstjärnepriset.

Thank you to our sponsors
The organisation is sponsored by the following foundations.
– Ebba och Gustav Ljunggrens Minnesfond

– Kungliga Hovstaternas Stiftelse Hjälpfonden
– Beijerstiftelsen
– Stiftelsen Otto och Charlotta Mannheimers fond
Vänerparken Vänersborg and Arena Hotell Vänersborg are our local sponsors.
Thank you to the Kerstin and Sigge Strand Foundation
Since 2018, the foundation has been awarding annual scholarships to young violinists under the age of 16 in collaboration with us. So far, 450,000 SEK has been awarded.
Here you can read which violinists have received scholarships over the years.
Thank you to our Nordic partners
- Denmark: Musical Basic Course East, Jutland
- Finland: Junior Academy, Sibelius Academy
- Iceland: Harpa International Music Academy
- Norway: Valdres Summer Symphony and the Barratt Due Music Institute