YOMA courses and programs

All photos below: Olle Gustafsson

Frequently asked questions

Here you’ll find the most common questions about our courses

All YOMA courses are free.

All YOMA courses are a weekend long. During school holidays they can be several days. If you take an open course, you can participate in one lesson, one day or two days.

Open courses for everyone
You can search for open courses under Upcoming courses. You can apply for several courses each year. No admission requirements other than that you must have played a few years.

The Open Programme
Send a recording or a link to a recording to yoma@yomacenter.se.

The Talent Programme
Send a recording to yoma@yomacenter.se. After that you might be invited to an entrance exam.

The Soloist Programme
You can not apply for the Soloist Programme, you can only be invited to the programme by an international jury.

Open courses
Course weekends for you (10-18 years) old who has been playing a few years. No other admission requirements. Level-adapted teaching.

The Open Programme
Course weekends for you (10-18 years old) who wants to play at a more advanced level within your age group. If you are accepted, you are invited to a number of the Talent Programme’s course weekends each year.

The Talent Programme
Course weekends for you (10-18 years old) who plays at a very advanced level within your age group. If you are accepted, you will be offered participation in all course weekends in the Talent Programme, up to one weekend a month.

The Soloist Programme
For the country’s and the Nordic’s most distinct soloist talents.