YOMA open course December
Open course for strings and winds, online. For students and teachers.
The course is given only online and welcomes you (about 10-18 years old) who play string or wind instruments or piano and have played for a few years. You can choose if you want to participate for one lesson, for one day or two days. If you are an instrumental teacher, you are welcome to accompany your own students or to attend the course for yourself.
The course is run in parallel with courses in the Öppna programmet and the Talangprogrammet. You can receive coaching from one of the older talents and visit their lessons and concerts.
We have extensive experience in online teaching and will help you with the technology. If you participate online, you can apart from your lesson, experience other’s lessons and the concert on the Sunday.
All YOMA courses are free of charge.

Info and registration
Please register as soon as possible, but no later than 14 November. Your enrolment is valid only when you have sent the scores for your individual lessons as an attached pdf file (no link) in an email to yoma@yomacenter.se.
Instructors at the course
- Alf Richard Kraggerud, violin (Barratt Due Musikkinstitutt, Oslo)
- Göran Fröst, viola (Kungliga Musikhögskolan, Stockholm)
- Jakob Koranyi, cello (Kungliga Musikhögskolan, Stockholm)
- Jens Elfving, violin (Högskolan för scen och musik, Göteborg)
- Johannes Lörstad, violin (Kungliga Filharmonikerna, Stockholm)
- Kristoffer Dolatko, violin (Talangcentret i Aarhus, Danmark)
- Lars-Inge Bjärlestam, cello (Musikhögskolan Ingesund)
- Ulrich Kaatz
- Direktör och konstnärlig pedagogisk ledare
- ulrich.kaatz@yomacenter.se
- +46 702 731 713
- Gunilla Wretemark
- Administration och Logistik
- gunilla.wretemark@yomacenter.se
- +46 701 620 436