YOMA courses
Always the first weekend of the month
Find more courses on the Swedish course page (click on the Swedish flag at the top right)
Upcoming events
YOMAs international Master class and instrumental course at KMH
Application deadline was 2 March. The course is suitable for young musicians (10-19 years) from all Nordic countries, that play a wind or string instrument, percussion or piano at advanced…
YOMA FOR ALL at Kungliga Musikhögskolan
Application deadline was 2 March. The course is suitable for you, aged 10-19, who has played a wind or string instrument for a few years. Feel free to bring your…
YOMA FOR ALL at Malmö Academy of Music
Application deadline: 30 March. The course is suitable for you, aged 10-19, who has played a wind or string instrument for a few years. Feel free to bring your music friends,…
YOMAs international Master class and instrumental course at Malmö Academy of Music
Application deadline: 30 March. The course is suitable for young musicians (10-19 years) from all Nordic countries, that play a wind or string instrument, percussion or piano at advanced level….
YOMA open course weekend June
Open course for strings and winds, online. For students and educators. Application deadline: 11 May. This online-only course is open to anyone (aged 10-18) who plays a string, wind or…
Course in YOMA:s Talent Programme June
For the string and wind talents of the Nordic region. Online course, auscultating pedagogues are equally welcome. Application deadline: 11 May. The course is given online and welcomes anyone (aged…
YOMA International Summer Academy Advanced and For students
1) For music college students A comprehensive summer course at a high national and international level for music college students from all Nordic countries and the rest of Europe. The…
YOMA International Summer Academy
Welcome to YOMA’s International Summer Academy! A comprehensive summer course for particularly interested orchestral instrument players aged 12-18. The course is given in Vänersborg, Sweden and is free of charge….
Passed events
YOMA open course weekend January
The application deadline was 10 November. The course is aimed at wind and string musicians in the Open Programme. If you are already in the Talent Programme or want to…
YOMA master class and course in Talent Programme January
Application deadline: 10 November. For Swedish and Nordic string and wind talents. Visiting educators are also welcome.The course is given on site in Vänersborg. The course welcomes you (approx. 10-18…
Master class and string course at one of Europes foremost programmes
Application deadline: 9 October. Many former pupils and students from Barratt Due musikkinstitutt (BD) in Oslo are today soloists, concertmasters, section leaders and sought-after musicians, including Eivind Ringstad Holtsmark (section…
YOMA open course weekend November
Application deadline: 28 August. The course is aimed at wind and string musicians in the Open Programme. If you are already in the Talent Programme or want to apply for…
YOMA master class and course in Talent Programme November
Application deadline: 28 August. For Swedish and Nordic string and wind talents, online/IRL. Visiting educators are also welcome.The course is given on site in Vänersborg, but we may have a…
Course within YOMAs Talent Programme May
For national and Nordic string talents, online/IRL, practising teachers are equally welcome. The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg and welcomes everyone (about 10-18 years old)…
YOMA open course weekend May
Open Course and Open Programme for strings, online and IRL, for students and educators. The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg and welcomes you (about 10-18…
Course and master class with YOMA, Polstjärnepriset Symphony Orchestra and KMH
For young musicians (10-19 years old) from all over the country and the other Nordic countries and for instrumental teachers The course is given at and together with KMH (Kungliga…
YOMA open course weekend March
Open course for strings and winds, online and IRL. For students and teachers. The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg and welcomes you (about 10-18 years…
YOMA open course weekend February
Open course for strings, online and IRL. For students and teachers. The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg and welcomes you (about 10-18 years old) who…
YOMA course days 2-5 January in conjunction with Polstjärnepriset
Course days for the Open Programme and Talent Programme in Vänersborg. The course takes place in conjunction with Polstjärnepriset and is only given on site in Vänersborg, not online. You…
YOMA open course December
Open course for strings and winds, online. For students and teachers. The course is given only online and welcomes you (about 10-18 years old) who play string or wind instruments…
YOMA course weekend November
Course weekend for the Open Programme and Talent Programme in Vänersborg. The courses take place in conjunction with Polstjärnepriset – the Course and are only given on site in Vänersborg,…
YOMA open course weekend October
Open course for strings and winds, online and IRL. For students and teachers. The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg and welcomes you (about 10-18 years…
YOMA open course weekend September
Open course for strings and winds, online and IRL. For students and teachers. The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg and welcomes you (about 10-18 years…
YOMA open course weekend May
Open string courses, online and IRL, for students and teachers. The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg and welcomes you (about 10 – 18 years old)…
Course weekend with YOMA, Polstjärnepriset and Kungliga Musikhögskolan
For 10-19 year olds and instrumental instructors. The course is given 1-2 April on site at KMH in Stockholm and in some parts online and welcomes you who play wind,…
YOMA open course weekend March
Open course for strings and wind, online and IRL. For students and educators. Registration is closed. More information about the course (in Swedish) can be found here.
YOMA Winds and YOMA Strings course weekend – online och IRL – december
Open course for string and winds, online and IRL. For students and educators. More information is coming soon.
YOMA Winds and YOMA Strings course weekend – online and IRL – october
Open strings- and wind courses, online and IRL. For students and educators. More information is coming soon.
YOMA Strings – Course weekend online and IRL
Open course for string students and pedagogues The course is given both online and on site in Vänersborg for string instrument students (ca 10 – 18 years) with a few…
YOMA-kurshelg online och IRL – 4-5 juni
Öppen kurs för stråkelever och -pedagoger Kursen ges både online och på plats i Vänersborg och välkomnar dig (ca 10 – 18 år) som spelar stråkinstrument och har spelat något/några…
Stråkkurs och nordisk Master Class för unga stråkmusiker, 10 – ca 18 år
Plats: Aarhus, Danmark.Datum: 30 april och 1 maj Kursen och mästarklassen är ett samarbete mellan Musikalsk Grundkursus Østjylland i Aarhus/Danmark, YOMA-Young Musicians Academy vid Nationellt centrum för musiktalanger i Vänersborg/Sweden, Valdres…
YOMA-kurshelg IRL och digitalt
Öppen kurs för stråkelever och pedagoger Kursen ges i första hand online och välkomnar dig (ca 10 – 18 år) som spelar stråkinstrument och har spelat något/några år. Auskulterande stråkpedagoger…